Hookah smoking is a very popular way to relax in a cozy atmosphere with friends or family. And an important part of this tradition is, of course, the hookah hose. They come in any color, thousands of patterns and many lengths, so there are endless possibilities to assemble your hookah the way you like it, so that your smoking experience becomes a real pleasure. In our online store you will definitely find a suitable hose for your new setup - whether elegant, rainbow unicorn or Marvel style, no matter what motto, everything is feasible and with the matching 3D sleeve, which we offer exclusively here in the online store, raise the look of your favorite hookah to the highest level.
What are hookah hoses made of?
Mostly, hookah hoses are made of very flexible, soft material. Silicone hoses are the most popular, due to the ease of care and maintenance, but there are also single ones made of leather. There are even extremely high-quality hoses with expensive decorations of silver or gold, others are decorated with pretty embroidery and attract all attention - there are no limits to creativity. The soft materials feel good in your hand and you can bend them as you like without fear of damage.
What types of hookah hoses are there?
There are different types of hookah hoses, which essentially differ only in the selected material and design. Depending on the material, the hose has certain properties that can be advantageous or disadvantageous, it always depends on your needs. So before you get a hose, you should do some research so that you can choose the option that best suits you.
- Silicone hoses: When you choose a silicone hose you benefit flexibility and longevity. Because of this, and the fact that they are very easy to clean, they are probably the most common option in the hookah industry. They also have a good flow rate, which promotes a consistent smoking experience.
- PVC hoses: the characteristics of these hoses behave similarly to those of silicone hoses. They are a little cheaper, but not as flexible as silicone hoses and also not as durable, because after a certain time the are very prone to brittle spots.
- Leather or suede hoses: leather hoses, or also called "tradi hoses" are, as the name suggests, the traditional version of hookah hoses. Of course, they are usually more expensive than other types, but are a real eye-catcher and offer a great feel when smoking. Traditionally, one uses Tradi tubes always the same flavor, because it intensifies the taste strongly in the long run. The only drawback: cleaning is not as easy as with silicone, for example.
- Fiberglass hoses: This variant is not only particularly hygienic, but also very durable. For this reason, and because of the complex manufacturing process, they are often more expensive than common types of hose. In addition, they require particularly careful care, because otherwise they can become brittle.
- Aluminum hoses: Consisting of aluminum, this option convinces with low weight and durability, which justifies the surcharge compared to silicone variants. What can be annoying, however, is that the hose can get hot during longer sessions.
- Textile hoses: Different materials can be used for textile hoses, for example cotton or silk, which is why they can vary greatly in price. Due to their soft structure, they offer a wonderful feel, but they are also more complicated to clean than other types.
Which length suits you best?
Shisha hoses are available in a wide variety of lengths, from short, handy hoses to long, elegant hoses that give you the maximum comfortable smoking experience. Some hoses also come with ergonomic mouthpieces to make enjoying your favorite tobacco even more enjoyable. The most common length for hoses is between 1 and 2 meters.
How do I connect a hose to my hookah?
To connect a hose you need different utensils, but don't worry, everything you need you can find cheap at Hookain Onlineshop. Besides one or more hose connectors, you will need a mouthpiece and possibly a hose spring.
- If your hose connection is covered, first remove the cover and then the end cap of your hose.
- Now insert the end of the hose into the hose connection of the hookah and secure it by tightening the clamp of the connection.
- Then you may need to thread the hose spring and attach your mouthpiece or adapter to the hose.
You should also always make sure that all connections are properly secured to prevent air, and thus the valuable smoke, from escaping at a leaking point. You can easily check this before smoking by gently pulling on the spots.
How often should I clean my hookah hose?
We recommend that you clean your hose regularly and carefully so that you can enjoy your head safely and, most importantly, hygienically. With proper care, you can use hoses for a very long time. However, exactly how often depends on the frequency of use and the type of tobacco. As a general rule, hoses should be cleaned once a week if used daily, and once every few weeks otherwise. Tobacco types also influence the soiling of hoses. For example, very sugary types of tobacco can cause bacteria to settle in the hose, which is why you should clean the hoses after every use.
Wie reinige ich meinen Schlauch am besten?
Die beste und einfachste Methode ist es, den Schlauch mit Hilfe einer langen, speziell für Shisha-Schläuche gefertigten Reinigungsbürste und heißem Wasser mit einem Schuss Shisha-Reiniger auszuspülen – und schon sieht er wieder aus wie neu. Auf die Weise bleiben keine Rückstände, alternativ funktioniert es aber auch nur mit dem heißen Wasser.
Wann sollte ich meinen Schlauch austauschen?
Auch hier gibt es wieder keine genaue Antwort, da die Lebensdauer des Schlauches ebenfalls durch Faktoren wie Nutzungshäufigkeit, Tabaksorten oder Material beeinflusst wird. Durch die richtige Pflege kann man die Lebensdauer definitiv verlängern, aber auch dann sollte irgendwann ein neuer her. Generell spricht man von etwa von 6-12 Monaten, nach denen man sich einen neuen Schlauch aussuchen kann, damit dein angenehmes und hygienisches Raucherlebnis gesichert ist. Weist der Schlauch aber Abnutzungsmerkmale wie Risse oder Verfärbungen auf sollte sofort ein neuer gesucht werden. So minimierst du mögliche Gesundheitsrisiken!
Kann ein Shisha Schlauch schimmeln?
Bevor sich einige jetzt vielleicht denken „Schon wieder so ne Fangfrage“: Tatsächlich kann auch ein Shisha-Schlauch schimmeln. Besonders wichtig ist, darauf zu achten, dass man den Schlauch nach der Reinigung gründlich trocknet, bevor er wieder gelagert wird. Um sicherzugehen, dass keine Bakterien oder andere Rückstände gefährlich werden können ist es sehr ratsam den Schlauch alle paar Wochen mit einem speziellen Reinigungsmittel oder Putzalkohol durchzuspülen. Zum Glück ist uns noch kein Schlauch verschimmelt, aber so ungewöhnlich ist das gar nicht. Denn wenn der Schlauch eben nicht sorgfältig und regelmäßig sauber gemacht wird, bildet die ständige Feuchtigkeit im Schlauch den idealen Nährboden für Schimmelpilze. Und das Ganze ist nicht gerade gesund, da giftige Sporen freigesetzt werden können. Also wenn eine Vermutung auf Schimmel im Schlauch besteht, sofort ab in die Tonne damit und schnell auf www.hookain.de/en gehen :)