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+++ Apple Pay and Google Pay available as payment methods +++ Shipping costs permanently reduced - we subsidize your delivery costs +++ Now more climate-friendly 🌱 Shipping via DHL Go Green and DHL Go Green International - We cover the additional costs and together we contribute to offsetting transport-related CO2 emissions. 🎁🎁🎁 +++ Buyer protection guaranteed by Trusted Shops. We are now an official partner and from now on you will receive both Klarna buyer protection and Trusted Shops protection when paying by bank transfer. Shopping has never been safer. +++ We have put a lot of thought into this and look forward to your feedback so that we can offer you an incomparable shopping experience. Register now and benefit from our new VIP Membership System. Collect points with every order and level up over time so that you can benefit from ever greater discounts and special promotions such as early access, gifts or VIP promotions. With a shopping cart value of €250, your order is already free of shipping costs. Further levels unlock free gifts, which you can then select in the shopping cart. Just browse around and see what you can get for free. We are constantly updating our offers. +++ Found a bug or error? Let us know so that we can constantly improve your shopping experience. +++


100% Geschmack, egal wie oft du den Tabak wechselst 

Wenn du deine Wasserpfeife nach dem Rauchen draußen stehen lässt und nicht waschen, möglicherweise mehrere Wochen lang, kann die Molasse austrocknen. Nach der Reinigung wechselst du dann den Geschmack und stellst fest, dass der Tabak anders schmeckt als gewöhnlich. Der Grund ist, dass sich die Molasse des vorherigen Tabaks in der Rauchsäule abgesetzt hat und der Geruch noch vorhanden ist. Der Molassefänger macht hier also definitiv einen großen Unterschied. Überschüssige Molasse sammelt sich im Inneren und kann nach der Session leicht abgewaschen werden.